Facebook Personal Page vs. Facebook Fan Page For Growing Your Business
When discussing Social Media Marketing with Small Business owners I often get the question ” Should I be using my Personal Profile on Facebook or a Facebook Fan Page for my business?”
One of my mentors, Ferny Ceballos, did an excellent job addressing this issue and has allowed my to offer his perspective in this Guest Author article. I trust you’ll find it helpful!
In this post He’ll share the pros and cons of each approach.
It’s important to point out that you can have success utilizing both.
But one method is extremely limited, while the other is highly scalable, so the choice that will scale is naturally a better option to successfully build your business long-term.
And you do want a long-term business, right?
Right! So without further delay here’s his advice. Let’s dig in, starting with…
Personal Facebook Profiles
I have a number of friends and fellow business owners I know who have done well using just their personal Profile.
So, make no mistake…
In fact, here’s a link to a blog post where I explain in detail how you can use your Profile to build your business and recruit team members for your home business.
The first two strategies outlined in that post will allow you to use your Profile in a way that hopefully won’t get you in trouble with Facebook.
And I say that as a very real concern, as you’ll see in a moment…
The main problem is that you’re capped at 5,000 friends on a personal Profile.
That’s a firm limitation, which you can’t pass, because Facebook doesn’t want you to use your personal Profile as a vehicle for building your business.
In fact, it’s against their rules.
If Facebook ever saw that you were using your personal profile for business purposes, such as posting a bunch of links and crowding everybody else’s News Feed with a bunch of self-serving junk they’re not really interested in, then you could have your account suspended.
The consequences are worse if you use private messaging in the wrong way—you could be permanently banned.
Again, at this link there’s a specific strategy for how you can successfully use your personal Profile, especially if you don’t have an advertising budget and you just want to get started.
Most importantly for me, you’re not able to run ads on your personal Profile.
You want a large audience to be exposed to your business, and you can only get that from ads.
Okay, so with that said, let’s switch gears and look at…
Facebook “Fan” Pages
In a nutshell, the cons of personal Profiles for business are solved by creating a Page.
With a Page, you can run ads to the 1.86 billion monthly active users, so there’s a practically unlimited audience.
Let’s explore that a bit more…
A Facebook Page is intended to have as massive of a reach (the number of people who see your updates) as possible.
Facebook fully supports you building a huge following.
In fact, it’s central to their business model.
One of the things I always hated, especially as I grew into this industry, was having my personal life and my business life mixed together on Facebook.
At first, I did what a lot of networkers do…
I added a bunch of people I didn’t know onto my friends list.
I would also approve anybody that would send me a friend request, and before I knew it, I was maxed out on my Profile.
…and I had all these people in my News Feed who I didn’t know and didn’t care about.
…and, to top it off, all those people were just posting stuff about their business, because I was targeting other entrepreneurs who were mostly network marketers.
I quickly grew tired of seeing my News Feed filled with a bunch of people I didn’t know, and I had pretty much lost any meaningful connection with my friends and family.
In fact, they had probably blocked me, because I was just spamming and putting crap up about my business, and they frankly didn’t care about my business.
So first and foremost, a Page allows you to separate your personal life from your business life.
Now that I’ve separated all of my business and personal stuff, it’s been great!
You can certainly post on your personal Profile and invite people to check something out, but the strategy I suggest is to use your Page as the central “hub” for all things business.
This legitimizes you in the eyes of Facebook.
And it’s more professional because that’s what real businesses do.
Once you start posting your business content on your Page, your friends and family won’t be inundated with junk in their News Feed from you, which means they’ll (hopefully) be able to tolerate the stuff you post again.
It’s liberating because your personal Page can focus on your personal interests, so you can connect with your friends once again and delete and unfriend all the people you don’t know on your personal Profile.
Facebook Pages are intended for an ever-expanding audience with the purpose of generating leads and sales.
And as a business owner, that’s what you want, right?!
Now, what does that mean in the context of a healthy business?
Well, at Elite Marketing Pro, we add almost 1,000 new fans every week on our Page.
Pretty cool, right?
That wouldn’t be possible using a personal profile, because it’s capped.
If fact, right now we have over 64,000 fans of our Page, and that means massive leverage.
Those are all people we can promote stuff to and share value with, in the context of network marketing and direct sales.
The real advantage of having a Page is that you’re building an asset with tremendous leverage.
Once you’ve set up your engagement strategy, you can walk away and your business will essentially work on autopilot.
Compare that to a personal Profile, where you have to constantly post new stuff (that’s only going to annoy your friends and family), and it’s gone in the blink of an eye, likely without gaining much traction or interest.
Plus, other network marketers you’ve friended are probably doing the exact same thing as you too, so you’re basically just spamming each other, and everyone cancels each other out.
No thanks!
So, as opposed to wasting time doing all that stuff, a Page allows you to generate exposure passively, so you can generate leads, customers, and recruits while you sleep, or are out to dinner, or out at a baseball game.
The posts we share on our Page are planned well in advance.
In fact, we always have days, even weeks, of posts scheduled and ready to go.
And they’ll go out without me even being at my computer.
You can’t do this on a personal Profile, which only allows for real-time updates.
On top of that, we generate 1000+ fans every week, without having to hover over our Page constantly.
Most importantly, we’re able to run paid ads on our Page that generate leads, sales, and new business recruits on autopilot.
That’s the power of a Page: you’re able to leverage Facebook’s industry-leading advertising platform.
Which is something I talk about in this post, Three Proven Ways to Build a Network Marketing Business Using the Internet.
It’s the final strategy, and it’s my favorite because it’s 100% passive.
In fact, there is no way we could produce the results we do just using our personal Facebook Profiles.
We generate between 300-500 leads per day and approximately 30-50 customers per day.
And we’re able to recruit approximately 70-100 serious business builders per month.
That’s powerful, and it happens 100% on autopilot.
Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t work my business, but…
I’m working on my business as opposed to in my business.
I don’t direct message every single person out there; I let systems do the work for me.
That’s something you’ll learn about when you read the blog post I referenced above.
The real benefit of running ads, scaling your reach, and scheduling your posts, is reclaiming your life.
When I got online, I was finally able to build a direct sales business without having to pester friends and family, and without having to talk to strangers in public places.
Now I can enjoy my life in public like a normal human being.
As I started succeeding in my business using Internet strategies, I got to go to nicer and nicer restaurants, nicer and nicer places, and more exotic locations, and never once think about recruiting anybody.
All because that was already happening passively on the Internet!
The final thing I’ll say is this…
If you want to build real relationships in this industry, beyond a few scattershot private messages, your audience needs to see that you’re up to something bigger.
And that bigger thing can, in fact, be that you’re building a legitimate business Page—you’re building an asset, you’re generating leads and followers, and you’re doing it passively.
When people are looking for the products or services your business provides , they’re going to be impressed and they’re going to want to know what you’re doing.
In fact, people in any business will want to know what you’re doing!
All of a sudden, you become interesting and attractive in a different way.
It’s about what YOU, as an individual, have to offer.
Ready to grow your fanbase and master passive recruiting?
Then you need a proven system to follow.
So if you’d like to see example Page posts, which you can model for your business to explode your audience, increase your reach, and engage your fans…
Download this free guide right now.
It was created by my friend Julie Burke, a multiple six-figure earner in network marketing, who personally sponsored 270+ reps and grew a team of 8,300 distributors, all from the comfort of her home in just 3 years.
Julie built 80% of her organization using social media, and 80% of her organization also uses social media themselves to recruit online as well.
Julie is a master recruiter and she’s tested all kinds of different posts over the past three to four years and pretty much has figured out what works and what doesn’t work on Facebook.
So if you want exact scripts, example posts, plus some dos and don’ts around Facebook, so you can be instantly more effective with your sponsoring and recruiting on the Internet, click the link below to get immediate access!
DOWNLOAD Julie’s “Social Medial Recruiting Frenzy” Guide absolutely FREE!
Thanks Ferny!
Feel free to reach out to me if you need help setting up your Fan Page. We can arrange a complementary coaching call. The Make Business Dreams Reality Page now has over 10,000 fans and I can help you get your page there too!
And if you found this content helpful, I would love to read your comments below!